Discover the Pinus oocarpa, also known as the Hazelnut Pine, Mexican Yellow Pine, Ocote Chino and Pino Amarillo. This tree is native to Mexico and Central America, and its natural distribution goes from 29° to 14° northern latitude. It needs an average temperature of 15 to 24°C and annual rainfall of 1,000–1,900 mm to thrive. Pinus oocarpa is an important source of commercial timber in Honduras and Central America, and has been introduced to several countries around the world for the paper industry. Due to the amount of resin within the tree, it has also been used by many Central Americans to start cooking fires. With preferred elevations ranging from 900 to 2,400 m above sea level, this beautiful tree is a sight to behold, and an important part of the native flora of its natural habitat. Learn more about Pinus oocarpa and its prominent place in Mexican and Central American culture today.