Duchesnea indica

Indian Strawberry, Mock Strawberry

In Stock: 1.62 lb (Total:1.62lb)
  • Duchesnea indica

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Buying options

1.62 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
1.62 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 30 days
Germination: surface sow and keep moist

Other: Germination takes place in 30-90 days, but even under good conditions germination may be erratic and take longer. 

Discover the intriguing plant world of the Duchesnea Indica, also known as Indian strawberry. Part of the Rosaceae (Rose) family, this non-native plant is frequently seen in lawns and disturbed areas, adorning them with the charm of its yellow flowers. Resistant to mowing, it spreads via stolons, marking its territory boldly.
Despite its name, the Indian strawberry is not a genuine strawberry. Its fruits, comparable to Fragaria species, are edible, yet bland and slightly dry. With an exotic origin from eastern and southern Asia, this plant has earned global popularity both as a medicinal and ornamental addition to gardens.
Indian strawberry carries unique features: trifoliate leaves, roughly veined beneath, and dark green, often remaining vibrant through winter. It continuously refreshes your garden with yellow flowers from mid-spring and sporadically throughout the growing season. The standout aggregate fruits, in shades of white or red, provide a bright contrast, fully cloaked with simple ovaries called red achenes, holding a single seed.
Easy to confuse with Potentilla species, the Indian strawberry holds solid claims in both the Potentilla and Duchesnea genus, with chloroplast genetic sequence data supporting its relevance in each.
Experience this backyard star - the Indian Strawberry. Bring a professional touch to your ordinary lawn with this unique plant - be it for its resilience, medicinal value, or unassuming beauty, it's set to be an alluring head-turner in your garden.

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