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Out of Stock

Ostrya virginiana

Ostrya virginiana clean seed

clean seed

American Hophornbeam, Eastern Hophornbeam, Hophornbeam, Ironwood

Out of Stock

Paeonia lactiflora

Paeonia lactiflora

Chinese Peony

Out of Stock

Papaver orientale

Papaver orientale

Oriental Poppy

Out of Stock

Papaver orientale

Papaver orientale Pink


Pink Oriental Poppy

Out of Stock

Papaver somniferum

Papaver somniferum

Opium Poppy

Out of Stock

Paspalum floridanum

Paspalum floridanum

Florida Paspalum

Out of Stock

Pennisetum purpureum

Pennisetum purpureum

Elephant Grass

Out of Stock

Phellodendron amurense

Phellodendron amurense

Amur Cork Tree, Amur Corktree

Out of Stock

Picea glauca

Picea glauca

White Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea koyamai

Picea koyamai

Koyama Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea mariana

Picea mariana

Black Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea omorika

Picea omorika

Serbian Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea orientalis

Picea orientalis

Oriental Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea pungens

Picea pungens Glauca CO Rio Grande

var. glauca CO Rio Grande

Blue Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea pungens

Picea pungens Glauca CO San Isabel

var. glauca CO San Isabel

Blue Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea pungens

Picea pungens Glauca NM Carson

var. glauca NM Carson

Blue Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea rubens

Picea rubens

Red Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea schrenkiana

Picea schrenkiana

Schrenk's Spruce

Out of Stock

Picea torano

Picea torano

Tiger-tail Spruce

Out of Stock

Pinus albicaulis

Pinus albicaulis

Whitebark Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus bungeana

Pinus bungeana

Bunge's Pine, Lace Bark Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus cembra

Pinus cembra

Arolla Pine, Swiss Stone Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus cembra

Pinus cembra Sibirica

ssp. sibirica

Siberian Pine, Sibirica Swiss Stone Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus contorta

Pinus contorta Latifolia

var. latifolia

Interior Lodgepole Pine, Rocky Mountain Lodgepole Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus nigra

Pinus nigra Bosnia


Austrian Pine, European Black Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus nigra

Pinus nigra Slovenia


Austrian Pine, European Black Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus parviflora

Pinus parviflora

Five-needle Pine, Japanese Five Needle Pine, Japanese White Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus resinosa

Pinus resinosa

Red Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus rigida

Pinus rigida

Picky Pine, Pitch Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus sylvestris

Pinus sylvestris France, Casadeen

France, Casadeen

Scotch Pine, Scots Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus sylvestris

Pinus sylvestris France, Gevaudan

France, Gevaudan

Scotch Pine, Scots Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus taeda

Pinus taeda

Loblolly Pine

Out of Stock

Pinus thunbergii

Pinus thunbergii China


Japanese Black Pine

Out of Stock

Populus balsamifera

Populus balsamifera

Balsam Poplar

Out of Stock

Dodecatheon denticulata

Primula denticulata


Drumstick Primrose, Drumstick Primula

Out of Stock

Dodecatheon denticulata

Primula denticulata Alba

Primula var. Alba

White Drumstick Primrose, White Drumstick Primula

Out of Stock

Primula vulgaris

Primula vulgaris

English Primrose

Out of Stock

Prunus armeniaca

Prunus armeniaca Mandshurica

var. mandshurica

Apricot, Mandshurian Apricot

Out of Stock

Prunus davidiana

Prunus davidiana

Chinese Wild Peach, David Peach

Out of Stock

Prunus mume

Prunus mume

Chinese Plum, Japanese Apricot, Japanese Flowering Apricot

Out of Stock

Prunus pensylvanica

Prunus pensylvanica

Fire Cherry, Pin Cherry

Out of Stock

Prunus sargentii

Prunus sargentii

Sakura, Sargent Cherry

Out of Stock

Prunus serotina

Prunus serotina Pennsylvania


Black Cherry, Timber Cherry

Out of Stock

Prunus spinosa

Prunus spinosa

Blackthorn, Sloe

Out of Stock

Prunus subhirtella

Prunus subhirtella

Higan Cherry, Rosebud Cherry, Spring Cherry, Winter Flowering Cherry

Out of Stock

Psoralea glandulosa

Psoralea glandulosa


Out of Stock

Ptelea trifoliata

Ptelea trifoliata var. twigs & leaves

Common Hoptree, Hop Tree, Stinking Ash, Wafer Ash

Out of Stock

Quercus coccinea

Quercus coccinea

Scarlet Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus durata

Quercus durata

Leather Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus gambelii

Quercus gambelii

Gambel Oak, Gambells Oak, Gambels Oak, Oak Brush, Scrub Oak, White Oak

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