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Author:Photo by and (c)2006 Derek Ramsey (Ram-Man). Location credit to the Chanticleer Garden.
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Dodonea viscosa (Hopbush) Sheffield`s Seed Co., Inc.
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Dodonea viscosa (Hopbush) Sheffield`s Seed Co., Inc.
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Dodonaea viscosa

Akeake, Florida Hopbush, Hopsbush

In Stock: 0.07 lb (Total:0.07lb)
  • Dodonaea viscosa

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select i.*, as2.state_abbr from inventory_item_manage i left outer join sheffields_2017.address_states as2 on (as2.state_name = i.CollectionLocale or as2.state_abbr = i.CollectionLocale) where i.inventory_id = '698804' group by i.id

Buying options

0.07 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
0.07 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in hot tap water, let stand in water for 24 hours, repeat process on seed that did not imbibe
Stratification: none required
Germination: sow seed 1/8" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Discover the captivating beauty and resilience of Dodonaea viscosa, commonly known as Florida Hopbush or Akeake. This fast-growing evergreen shrub is renowned for its spectacular three-winged fruits and versatile nature, making it a standout choice for gardens in warm, arid regions of the U.S. With upright stems adorned with glossy, willow-like green leaves, Florida Hopbush presents a lustrous, varnished appearance due to a protective sticky resin. This unique feature enables exceptional drought tolerance. Springtime introduces subtle chartreuse flowers that evolve into striking, papery seed capsules in summer and fall, with colors transitioning from green to a vivid pink and red. Growing up to 10-15 ft. tall and wide, this adaptable shrub thrives in full sun to light shade and well-drained soils, effortlessly tolerating dry, sandy, rocky terrains, and coastal conditions. Ideal for screens, informal hedges, or as a specimen plant, it attracts birds and resists deer. Low-maintenance and pest-free, it's perfect for Mediterranean and waterwise gardens. Propagation is simple, by seed or cuttings, ensuring easy cultivation for novices and experts alike.

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