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Colutea arborescens - Bladder Senna Seed - Sheffield's Seed Co., Inc.
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Colutea arborescens

Bladder Senna, Common Bladder Senna

In Stock: 0.012 lb (Total:0.012lb)
  • Colutea arborescens

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Buying options

0.01 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
0.01 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in sulfuric or nitric acid for 1-2 hours and wash under cold water for 10-15 minutes prior to planting
Stratification: none required
Germination: sow seed 1/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: Hardness of seedcoat will determine how much scarification is required 

Colutea arborescens, commonly known as bladder senna or common bladder senna, is a beautiful leguminous shrub that originates from Europe and North Africa. It has many branches, covered in deciduous leaves that are made up of slightly hairy oval-shaped leaflets, each up to about 3 centimeters long. During the flowering season, the plant blooms into stunning, yellow, and pea-like flowers that are about 3 centimeters long. The fruit is an inflated bladdery pod that dries to a papery texture and contains many seeds.

Besides being ornamental, Colutea arborescens also serves as an excellent choice for erosion control in landscaping. It can grow in poor dry soil in exposed conditions, but it likes full sun. The plant propagates by seed or softwood cuttings. The leaves of this plant have diuretic and purgative properties, while the seeds are emetic and toxic. Therefore, the plant is used sparingly in herbal medicine.

Colutea arborescens is easy to grow, and it can tolerate most soil conditions other than water-logged soil. It is hardy to zone 5 and prefers a position in full sun but tolerates light shade. The plant grows well on dry sunny banks and dislikes strong winds. Slugs love the young seedlings, and the plant is very subject to wind-rock when grown in a windy site. Flowers are produced on the current season's growth, making it an excellent choice for bee-lovers.

Planting Colutea arborescens is an excellent way to add an ornamental touch to your garden while protecting your landscape from erosion. It's a highly recommended plant for gardeners that value the beauty and ecological benefits of native plants.

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