Camassia leichtlinii, also known as Large Camas or Great Camas, is a stunning spring-flowering bulbous perennial native to Western North America. The plant produces linear, strap-shaped leaves in clumps up to 2ft long, with upright, terminal racemes of star-shaped flowers opening sequentially from bottom to top. The flowers can be white, cream, blue, or purple with yellow anthers, and make an excellent fresh-cut flower. Best grown in full sun to part shade and moist, fertile, acidic, humusy soils. Camassia leichtlinii can be mass planted in wildflower meadows, open woodland areas, borders, or utilized as accents on the periphery of a water garden or pond. This low maintenance plant is tolerant of clay soil, dry soil, wet soil, and black walnut. Plant bulbs 4-6” deep and 6” apart in the fall and enjoy the beautiful blooms in the spring.