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Arboretum Wespelaar - Koen Camelbeke

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Arboretum Wespelaar - Koen Camelbeke

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Arboretum Wespelaar - Koen Camelbeke

Acer campbellii

ssp. wilsonii

Wilson's Maple

  • Acer campbellii ssp. wilsonii

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Min. hardiness zone:


Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 120 days
Germination: sow seed 1/4 deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: fall sowing in mulched beds is prefered to artificial stratification 

Are you looking for an exotic addition to your garden? Meet Acer campbellii wilsonii, a stunning plant native to southeast and south-central China. Also known as "Three Gorges Maple," and Wilson's maple. There is some discrepancy in the naming of this tree, and also goes by Acer wilsonii. This distinctive tree stands on its merit and adds a touch of elegance to any landscape.
With an average height ranging from 30-50 ft, the Acer cambellii wilsonii prefers to grow in forests at elevations of 3000 to 6500 ft above sea level. Its leaves are impressively large and bright green, which turn a vibrant yellow to red during the autumn season, giving a picturesque view of your garden. This species' bark has a smooth texture, resulting in an excellent decorative look.
The Acer campbellii wilsonii is an ideal addition to any garden for those who enjoy low-maintenance plants. This tree is hardy and can withstand temperatures up to -10°C, and it's resistant to most diseases and pests, making it relatively easy to care for. Consider planting it in your garden, in front of your home, or anywhere that needs a touch of green and vibrancy.
In summary, Acer campbelli wilsonii, with its large, eye-catching leaves and attractive bark, is a unique species that adds an exotic touch to any garden. So, why wait? Get your hands on Wilson's maple today and transform your garden into a beautiful and serene paradise.

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