Abies alba, also known as the European Silver Fir, is a tall evergreen coniferous tree that is native to the mountains of Europe. It grows up to 60 meters tall and can have a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 meters. The tree has needle-like leaves that are glossy dark green above and have two greenish-white bands of stomata below. It is commonly grown on Christmas tree plantations in North America and is the species first used as a Christmas tree. The tree naturally forms a symmetrical triangle shape and is full and dense with a strong evergreen fragrance. It is also a common ingredient in many bath products, giving them their familiar pine scent. The bark and wood of the silver fir are rich in antioxidative polyphenols and its resinous essential oil is used in perfumes, bath products, and aerosol inhalants. The wood is strong and lightweight and is mainly used as construction wood, furniture, plywood, pulpwood, and paper manufacture.