Looking for a lawn grass that is widely used in temperate climates, on golf courses for fairways and teeing areas, and stops erosion on slopes? Look no further than Zoysia japonica, also known as Korean lawngrass, zoysiagrass, or Japanese lawngrass. This species of creeping, mat-forming, short perennial grass is disease-resistant, holds up well to traffic, and repels weeds throughout the year. Zoysia japonica has smooth, stiff, vertical leaf blades that roll in the bud, and grows to around 0.5 mm in width, with a coarse texture. It is native to the coastal grasslands of southeast Asia and Indonesia, and was first introduced to the United States in 1895. It has become one of the most widely used species of turfgrass in the US and is a great alternative to bermudagrass. Zoysia japonica is tolerant to drought, freezing temperatures, salt, and shade, making it an excellent lawn grass. It is recommended to seed this at a rate of 1 lb. per 1,000 square feet. So, whether you are looking for a grass for your home lawn, park, schoolyard, or athletic field, Zoysia japonica is a great choice!