Discover the extraordinary Vitex negundo Heterophylla, also known as Cut-Leaf Chastetree, an enchanting and versatile deciduous shrub or small tree. Recognized for its deeply cut, palmately compound leaves and spiky clusters of mesmerizing light purple-blue flowers, it graces gardens from mid-summer to fall. You will find it constantly humming with various bees, making it an ideal plant for boosting honey production. Standing proud at 15 feet or more as a tree, the Chastetree can also be pruned back to a multi-stemmed shrub, reaching about 6 feet in full bloom, resembling a massive Russian sage (Perovskia). Its fall color palette is delightful showcasing bright yellow with hints of red. The plant is known for its sun-loving nature and suitability in zones 6 to 10. Its gray, blocky trunk shows a unique visual appeal. The highly dissected leaves, similar to a Cut-leaf Japanese Maple, were once considered to have sedative properties. This earned it its nickname, "Chastetree", as Athenian women used the leaves to exhibit chastity during Ceres feasts. Take note; Vitex seeds may become somewhat weedy in landscaped beds.