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Viburnum sieboldii - Siebold's Arrowwood/Siebold Viburnum Seed - Sheffield's Seed Co., Inc.
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Viburnum sieboldii

Siebold Viburnum, Siebold's Arrowwood

  • Viburnum sieboldii

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Min. hardiness zone:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: warm stratify for 120 days, cold stratify for 90 days
Germination: sow seed 3/8" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: remove seed from fruit prior to treatments 

Introducing Viburnum sieboldii, also known as Siebold's Viburnum or Siebold's Arrowwood. This stunningly beautiful large shrub or small tree is native to Japan and produces masses of creamy white flowers in flat-topped clusters up to 6" wide in the spring. The fruit, which changes from rosy to red to black, is to 1/2" and the stems holding the berries are attractive too. The shiny dark green leaves are neat looking and the plant has an open habit with thick, stiff branches. Viburnum sieboldii likes moist soil and it is tolerant of high pH, making it easy to grow in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. It prefers moist loams but can tolerate a wide range of soils. Consistent and even moisture is necessary, so do not allow the soils to dry out. Prune as needed immediately after flowering, and best growth occurs in cool summer climates. Not recommended for planting south of USDA Zone 7. This deciduous shrub or small tree is upright, rounded and multi-stemmed, typically growing to 15-20' tall and to 10-15' wide. White flowers in flat-topped cymes bloom in mid to late spring, and the plant usually develops no appreciable fall color. Flowers give way to spherical, scarlet, berry-like drupes on showy red fruiting stems. The drupes gradually ripen to black over the period of August to October and persist on the shrub into winter. If you're looking for a beautiful and easy-to-grow plant, Viburnum sieboldii is certainly worth considering!

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