Ulmus minor

Field Elm

  • Ulmus minor

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Min. hardiness zone:

No Export to These Countries


Growing Info

Scarification: none required
Stratification: none required
Germination: No pre-germination treatment required, sow immediately; surface sow and keep moist, tamp the soil,

Discover the polymorphic Ulmus minor, the Field Elm. Native to south Europe and Asia Minor, this tree thrives in low-lying forest areas along main rivers, growing alongside oak and ash. With a typical height of under 30 meters and a rounded crown, the Field Elm's bark is rough and furrowed, forming a block pattern in mature trees. Its leaves, smaller than those of other European species, are highly variable in form, with fewer than 12 pairs of side veins and the presence of tiny black glands detectable with a magnifying glass. Even after devastation by Dutch elm disease, Ulmus minor readily produces suckers from roots and stumps and, as such, genetic resources are not considered endangered. Bring the beauty and versatility of Field Elm to your outdoor space today.

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