Discover the multifaceted beauty of the Dwarf Jewel Tropaeolum minus, also known as Dwarf Jewel Nasturtium. Originated from South America, this plant embodies an emblem of victory and conquest. This ravishing flower enhances the allure of a garden and floral arrangements, as well as its striking beauty. Not just ornamental, the vibrant petals and leaves are edible, adding a peppery zest to salads and other dishes.
Dwarf Jewel Nasturtium thrives in full sun and poor, dry soils, producing a profusion of flowers in adverse conditions. Surprisingly, amended or fertile soil encourages foliage growth over blooming. They reach a height between 12-18".
This dwarf variety offers an explosion of 3” blooms in varied shades of peach, pink, yellow, orange, and red all summer long. Its compact size makes it perfect for containers and garden beds. Besides its beauty, the plant has been traditionally planted as a companion in vegetable gardens for its insect-repelling properties.
Embrace Dwarf Jewel Nasturtium, the edible flower that combines visually striking aesthetics with multifaceted functionality.