The Tabebuia Rosea, also known as the Pink Trumpet-Tree, is a beautiful neotropical tree that can grow up 40-80 ft tall and reach a diameter of up to 3.5 ft. It is widely distributed from southern Mexico to Ecuador and Venezuela and can grow in varying temperatures and soil pH levels. This tree is often planted in parks and gardens in Neotropical cities, where it provides great shade in the rainy season and produces abundant flowers in the dry season. The tree has many medicinal uses, including the consumption of preparations of its cortex to eliminate intestinal parasites, malaria, and uterine cancer. A decoction of its flowers, leaves, and roots can be used to reduce fevers and pain and treat various other medical disorders. Lapachol, an organic compound related to Vitamin K, is one of the active phytochemicals present in this tree. While it had once been studied as a potential treatment for some types of cancer, its potential is now considered low due to its toxic side effects.