Schotia brachypetala, also known as the weeping boer-bean, is a stunning leguminous flowering tree in the bean family. It is a medium to large, spreading tree that can grow up to 65 ft, with a canopy spread of 15-50 ft. The tree is native to sub-tropical southern parts of Africa and can be found from the Mashonaland escarpment in Zimbabwe to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. The tree grows best with ample summer rain and prefers a cool spell during its winter resting period. The new leaves are a showy bright red and the red flowers, filled with nectar, appear straight after the new leaves. The weeping boer-bean is easily grown and remarkably hardy, tolerating both poor soil and dry conditions. It is a common street tree in Australia and has been planted in Spain. The tree is named for the copious nectar that drips from its flowers, attracting various species of birds and insects, including parrots and lorikeets. Discover the beauty and vitality of Schotia brachypetala, a tree that will add character and lush greenery to any garden or park.