Looking for a unique addition to your plant collection? Consider the Sarracenia gronovii var. rubra, also known as the Sweet Pitcherplant. This carnivorous plant is native to the New World, ranging from southern Mississippi to the coastal plains of Virginia and South Carolina. Its rolled leaf is smaller than most species, usually not exceeding 65 cm in height, and traps insects using short, stiff, downwards-pointing hairs. Prey entering the tube find their footing uncertain due to smooth, waxy secretions, and inward-pointing hairs prevent their escape while digestive fluid dissolves them. In spring, this plant produces small, bright red flowers with 5-fold symmetry and a sweet scent that attracts pollinators. As the year progresses, the pitchers become more substantial, making for an interesting growth cycle. Don't miss out on this unique and fascinating plant - add the Sarracenia gronovii var. rubra to your collection today.