Introducing the majestic Sabal mexicana, also known as Mexican Palmetto, Rio Grande Palmetto, and Texas Palmetto. This stunning palm tree can reach a height of up to 40 ft and has fan-shaped fronds that can grow to be 5 ft wide. The trunk can reach up to 45 ft in length and 12 inches in diameter. The drupes of this tree are black and have a diameter of 0.5 in. The leaves of the Sabal mexicana are commonly used for making baskets, chair seats or thatch. This palm tree is drought tolerant, can withstand hardiness to USDA Zone 8, and is a popular ornamental in landscapes due to its robust and stately form. The wood from this tree is also resilient and is often used in wharf pilings and fence posts. Sabal mexicana is native to North America and is found along the Gulf and Pacific coasts, as well as in Mexico and Central America. Bring the beauty and resilience of the Sabal mexicana into your landscape today!