Welcome to our web page advertising the Roystonea regia Cuban Royal Palm, also known as the Florida Royal Palm or Royal Palm. This majestic palm tree is a sight to behold, with its distinctive crownshaft and beautiful canopy of pinnate leaves.
Growing to a height of 20-30 meters (66-98 ft), and sometimes even reaching up to 34.5 meters (113 ft), this palm tree commands attention. Its stout trunk is smooth and grey-white in color, with a characteristic bulge below the green crownshaft.
You'll find approximately 15 long leaves on this palm tree, measuring up to 4 meters (13 ft) in length. The flowers of the Roystonea regia are white with pinkish anthers, adding an elegant touch to its appearance. As the tree matures, it produces spheroid to ellipsoid-shaped fruits, which start off green and turn red, eventually developing a purplish-black color.
Interestingly, root nodules containing Rhizobium bacteria have been discovered on Roystonea regia trees in India. These nodules typically signify nitrogen fixation in legumes, making this the first recorded instance of root nodules in a monocotyledonous tree. Further evidence of nitrogen fixation is supported by the presence of nitrogenase and leghaemoglobin, which facilitate the process.
In addition to its ability to fix nitrogen, the nodules on the Roystonea regia trees were found to produce indole acetic acid, an important plant hormone. This adds to the tree's overall health and vitality.
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