Looking for a fast-growing, attractive, and practical tree for your garden or property? Look no further than the Quercus cerris, also known as the Turkey Oak or Austrian Oak. Native to southern Europe and Asia Minor, the Turkey Oak is a large deciduous tree that can grow up to 40 meters tall. Its glossy leaves boast 6-12 triangular lobes on each side, and its bark is deeply furrowed and often streaked with orange. The Turkey Oak is widely planted across Europe for its fast growth and ornamental value, as well as its practical uses as a coastal windbreak and fencing material. Its distinctive acorns are bicoloured with an orange basal half grading to a green-brown tip, and are eaten by jays and pigeons. While the tree may be susceptible to gall wasps, its early gall production provides food for birds. Choose the Turkey Oak for a beautiful and practical addition to your landscape.