Looking for a decorative yet hardy shrub for your garden? Look no further than the Pyracantha Fortuneana, also known as Chinese Firethorn. This shrub can reach heights of up to 3 meters and features thorn-like lateral branches and rust-colored branchlets. The obovate-oblong leaves are serrated with incurved teeth, with a glabrous surface and a cuneate base. The compound corymb is rather loose, with caducous, lanceolate bracts.
The Pyracantha Fortuneana is cultivated for its bright red pome fruit that resembles berries, though it is not without its medicinal limitations. It is best grown in warm climates, as it cannot withstand frost, but it is impressively drought-tolerant. This species of Firethorn originates from central China, and can be grown as a hedge. Known for attracting wildlife, this shrub prefers acid, neutral, or basic soil types and can grow in full shade, semi-shade, or without shade, making it a versatile and much-desired addition to any garden.
In addition to its hardiness, you'll appreciate the beauty of the Pyracantha Fortuneana, featuring bountiful clusters of bright red fruit against deep green foliage. Enhance the charm of your garden space with this lovely shrub's white flowers, which bloom in the late spring. Whether you're looking to create a bold visual impact in your yard or need a durable plant that can withstand adverse conditions, the Pyracantha Fortuneana is a top choice for gardeners and landscapers alike.