The Pulsatilla patens, also known as Eastern Pasqueflower, is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It is native to Europe, Russia, Mongolia, China, Canada, and the United States. With its striking purple petals and unique appearance, the Pulsatilla patens is often placed in the genus Anemone. It is the provincial flower of Manitoba, Canada and the state flower of South Dakota, United States.
However, the Pulsatilla patens is currently facing a decline in population due to the destruction of the prairie crocus and shortgrass prairie ecosystems. Agricultural activities such as plowing have detrimental effects on these ecosystems and causes the crocus to disappear.
Help preserve this stunning species by planting Pulsatilla patens in your garden or supporting organizations that work to protect and conserve these ecosystems. Get your own Eastern Pasqueflower today and let its beauty thrive in your garden! For more information on this and other plants, visit