The Shubert Chokecherry, also known as the Purpleleaf Chokecherry, is a stunning tree or shrub that boasts attractive purple foliage and clusters of reddish fruit that mature to a dark purple in the fall. This deciduous plant is a great addition to any garden as it attracts birds and butterflies and can be used as a specimen, shrub border, or informal hedge. It grows to be 20-30 feet tall with a pyramidal habit and is fairly adaptable; it can thrive in full sun or part shade and in dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils. Shubert Chokecherry is also rich in antioxidant pigment compounds and can be used to make delicious jams, jellies, or syrups. Grow the Schubert Chokecherry in your garden and enjoy its stunning beauty and tasty fruit!