Experience the beauty of the European Bird Cherry (Prunus padus) on your property. This majestic tree is native to northern Europe and northern Asia, growing even north of the Arctic Circle in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. It is a deciduous small tree or large shrub up to 16m tall with flowers in racemes that are hermaphroditic and pollinated by bees and flies. Bird cherries are also known as hackberry, hagberry, or Mayday tree. Please note that it should not be confused with Prunus avium (wild cherry). The fruit of this tree is seldom used in western Europe, but it was used medicinally during the Middle Ages. The variety commutata is sold as an ornamental tree in North America under the common name Mayday. Its hardiness and fragrant white flowers make it a favorite among homeowners and landscapers alike. Experience the elegance of the European Bird Cherry on your property today. Order now!