Introducing the beautiful Prunus maackii, also known as Manchurian cherry or Amur chokecherry. This species of cherry is native to Korea and both banks of the Amur River. It grows to be a small tree, reaching up to 10 meters tall. Its bark is what makes it particularly striking – young trees have a glossy bronze-yellow color that turns dark grey-brown and fissured with age. The leaves are alternate and ovate, with finely serrated margins and dark green above. In mid-spring, this tree produces white flowers on erect spikes that eventually turn into small cherry-like drupes that mature in early summer to early autumn. Prunus maackii is grown mainly as an ornamental tree because of its beautiful bark. It prefers moist, well-drained soil and is tolerant of severe winter cold but not heat. Though it is mainly grown for its bark, the fruit of this cherry tree has been used in the production of juice, jelly, and jam. This beautiful tree will make a great addition to any landscape.