Prinsepia sinensis, also known as Cherry Prinsepia or Chinese Prinsepia, is a deciduous shrub that can grow up to 6 feet tall. Primarily grown for its edible fruit, which is very high in vitamin C, the fruit has a pleasant sour taste and can be eaten fresh or made into jellies. The shrub has a rounded form and medium texture with lanceolate leaves that turn yellow-green in the fall. Pale yellow, perfect flowers bloom on old wood in April and are clustered in fascicles of up to 4 flowers. The red cherry-like fruit, about 0.5" in diameter, matures in July, and the bark of older stems is brown and shredding. Prinsepia sinensis is hardy to zone 4 and prefers fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. This unusual shrub is perfect for use as a hedge, screen, or barrier, especially in difficult sites.