Looking for a tree that can withstand harsh conditions and is drought tolerant? Look no further than the Pistacia chinensis, commonly known as the Chinese Pistach or Chinese Pistache. A popular choice for street trees in urban settings due to its ability to survive harsh environments, this tree is sure to impress with its impressive fall colors. Its foliage is dark green in summer and turns a beautiful orange or orange-red in fall. Native to central and western China, Taiwan, and the Philippines, it grows from 30-50 ft and is hardy enough to withstand poor quality soil and the most frost-tolerant of all Pistacia species. This tree is a great option for those looking for a low-maintenance, disease-free tree ideal for street and shade planting in warm climates. It is even used as an understock for the edible Pistachio nut in California. Don't miss out on this versatile and beautiful tree.