220 year old trees that are 46 metres tall in the forests of Järvselja). The Scots Pine, also known as the Pinus sylvestris or Scotch Pine, is native to northern Europe and Asia, and has been an important tree in forestry for centuries. Its wood is commonly used for pulp and sawn timber products. This coniferous tree is extremely adaptable to various soils and can be found from sea level up to 2,600m altitude in mountainous regions. The mature tree is distinctive due to its long, bare and straight trunk topped by a rounded or flat-topped mass of foliage. The blue-green needles can grow up to 5 cm long and persist for several years. The Scots Pine has a lifespan of 150-300 years, with the oldest recorded specimens in Sweden reaching over 700 years. Additionally, its irregular pyramid shape in youth makes it a popular choice as a Christmas tree.