Pinus gerardiana, also known as Chilghoza Pine or Chilgoza Nut Pine, is a pine tree native to the northwestern Himalayas in eastern Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northwest India. It grows at elevations between 5900-11,000 ft in association with Blue Pine and Deodar Cedar. The tree can reach 30-70 ft tall, with a characteristic flaky bark, blue-green needles, and 9-inch cones that contain edible seeds. Rich in oil and with a pleasant resin-like flavor, the Chilgoza Pine nuts are used as a staple food, similar to pistachio nuts, and are considered a delicacy thanks to their high quality. However, the species is at risk due to overcutting and poor regeneration, which could result in its extinction. Chilgoza Pine seeds are an important cash crop for locals in the Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, India, where they fetch good money.