Pieris floribunda, also known as Mountain Andromeda or Mountain Fetterbush, is a native North American species of broadleaf evergreen shrub in the blueberry family (Ericaceae). Generally growing to between 3-6 feet high with shiny, leathery, dark green leaves, it produces fragrant, urn-shaped white flowers in upright clusters that differentiate it from the more commonly seen Japanese Andromeda. While it can be difficult to propagate and establish, it can be found in specialty and native plant nurseries. Best grown in full to part shade, Pieris floribunda prefers acidic, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter and a pH level between 4.5-6.5. Because all parts of the plant are poisonous when ingested, it should be planted away from pets and children. Try using it as a specimen plant or in a mass planting for early season bloom and fragrance.