Picea wilsonii, also known as Wilson Spruce, is a magnificent conifer that can grow up to 50 meters tall and 130 cm dbh. This tree has a pyramidal crown, with gray, irregularly flaking bark. The branchlets are yellowish green or yellowish gray and turn pale gray or brownish gray, and the leaves are quadrangular-linear, straight or slightly curved, and 8-13×1.2-1.7 mm in size. The seed cones mature to be yellow-brown, ovoid, and 5-8×2.5-4 cm in size. Native to China, Picea wilsonii is used for construction, poles, furniture, and wood pulp. It is also cultivated for afforestation and as an ornamental due to its dense habit and light green foliage. If you're looking for a unique and beautiful conifer for your garden or property, consider Picea wilsonii, an extraordinary specimen that's sure to impress.