In a Nutshell:
Picea torano, commonly known as the Tiger-tail Spruce, is a species of conifer in the genus Picea. It is native to Japan. more...
* The name Picea polita is more often seen than Picea torano, being the norm, at least until the early 21st Century, in most published floras and most horticultural texts. more...
* The climate is moist-maritime, with annual precipitation of over 1,000 mm and cold, snowy winters. Occasionally forms pure stands but more often occurs in mixed stands with species such as Abies homolepis, Larix kaempferi, Pinus densiflora, Betula, Acer, Fagus, Quercus, Prunus, and Zelkova serrata (Farjon 1990). more...
* Lake Yamanaka at the base of Fuji-San is often mentioned for its remarkable pure forest of Picea torano (Wilson 1916, Farjon 1990).