Phellodendron sachalinense

Sakhalin Cork Tree, Sakhalin Corktree

  • Phellodendron sachalinense

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Min. hardiness zone:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 30 days
Germination: sow seed 1/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: can be fall sown without stratification. 

Looking for an attractive and low-maintenance tree for your garden? Look no further than the Phellodendron sachalinense, also known as the Sakhalin Cork Tree. A native of Korea, Japan, and western China, this tree boasts more upright branching than its cousin, the P. amurense, giving it a distinctive and attractive vase shape. And with its reputation for rapid growth, you won't be waiting long to enjoy the beauty of this striking tree. For more information and to order your own Sakhalin Cork Tree, visit http://plants.usda.gov today.

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