Oenothera lamarckiana, also known as the Large-Flowered Evening Primrose, is a stunning biennial or perennial that produces many 2-3 1/2" trumpet-shaped yellow flowers in long spikes. This plant forms a basal rosette and closely resembles O. hookeri but with broader leaves. Native to the western United States, the Evening Primrose has many medicinal uses, but it is important to consult a professional before using it in any medicinal capacity. Its bark and leaves are astringent and sedative, making them useful in treating gastrointestinal disorders, whooping cough, and asthma. A syrup made from its flowers is also an effective treatment for whooping cough. The plant's oil is a well-known food supplement and can potentially treat multiple sclerosis, pre-menstrual tension, and hyperactivity. It is also taken internally to treat eczema, acne, brittle nails, rheumatoid arthritis, and alcohol-related liver damage. The seeds are a good source of gamma-linolenic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid that assists in the production of hormone-like substances and can help reduce blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Evening Primrose oil also shows promise in treating breast cancer but may cause itching, sore throat, and gassiness. Additionally, young roots can be eaten as a vegetable or used in teas, poultices, or salads. Overall, the Large-Flowered Evening Primrose is a beautiful and versatile plant with many potential benefits.