Nicotiana alata, also known as Jasmine Tobacco, Winged Tobacco, or Persian Tobacco, is a species of tobacco native to South America. It is mainly grown as an ornamental plant with numerous cultivars and hybrids derived from it. This plant produces beautiful, fragrant 2-inch-wide, trumpet-shaped flowers that vary in color from greenish to white to pinks, reds, and purples. It blooms from summer to fall in sun to partial shade. The plant reaches a height of 12 to 24 inches and needs to be spaced at 12 to 14 inches. Self-sowing is common in mature plants, and deadheading spent flower stalks is recommended for best blooming results. Although all parts of the plant contain nicotine, it has been extracted and used as an insecticide. Nicotiana alata is a stunning addition to any garden with its lovely fragrance in the evening to night. It is highly recommended for those gardening in the northern U.S. as an annual, and as a perennial in the south.