Lolium perenne

'Tetra Sweet'

Perennial Ryegrass, Tetra Sweet Perennial Ryegrass

In Stock: 4.271 lb (Total:4.271lb)
  • Lolium perenne Tetra Sweet

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4.27 lb


Germination test:
Seeds per lb:
4.27 lb
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Growing Info

Scarification: none required
Stratification: none required
Germination: Broadcast, drill or hydroseed. Surface sow and keep moist, mulch the seed bed

Discover Tetra Sweet Perennial Ryegrass, a highly versatile variety of Lolium perenne aka Perennial Rye-grass. This iconic staple of the Poaceae family is originally native to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa, yet has grown to be recognized and cultivated worldwide. The special tetraploid 'Tetra Sweet' variety distinguishes itself through impressive adaptability and late maturity, allowing for high-energy forage yield throughout the year that is both digestible and notably palatable. This robust grass features outstanding regrowth performance and rapid establishment, making it an ideal standalone grass or a critical addition to any mix. Boasting rich, dark green leaves that are smooth and glossy on the lower surface with prominent, parallel veins on the upper surface, the Tetra Sweet ensures a visually impressive pasture or hay. Moreover, it hails robust resilience against challenging weather conditions such as intense heat, drought, and a commendable winter-hardiness. Adopt it for a reliable, year-round forage source that thrives in moist, fertile soils and responds well to nitrogen-rich treatments. Best planted at a depth of 1/4", this strain is compatible with frost-seeding, broadcasting, drilling, or direct planting and recommended to cut or graze down to 3" for prosperous regrowth. Enhance your green landscapes with Tetra Sweet Perennial Ryegrass!

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