Introducing Lavatera cachemiriana Cashmir Mallow, Kashmir Mallow, Lavatera, and Tree Mallow. This easily grown perennial plant thrives in any regular garden soil, whether in full sun or partial shade. It is also tolerant to maritime exposure. Not only is this plant beautiful, but it also yields a strong fiber from its stems, making it useful for creating string, bags, and even paper.
Lavatera cachemiriana is a stellate tomentose herb with orbicular leaves measuring 3-10 cm long and 3-7 cm broad. The leaves have a slightly cordate or truncate base, are crenate-serrate, and are covered in simple, fascicled or stellate hairs on the upper surface. The lower surface is densely stellate hairy, and the leaves are either 3-7 angled or palmately fid to partite, with ovate or lanceolate lobes and an acute or obtuse tip. The middle lobe is the longest, and the stipule is linear-lanceolate, measuring 5-10 mm long and approximately 2 mm broad. The plant also features axillary, solitary flowers with pedicels about 3-6 cm long, jointed near the apex. Epicalyx segments are fused below the middle, measuring 9-13 mm long, broadly ovate-orbicular, and mucronate. The calyx is slightly longer than the epicalyx, with lobes that are triangular to deltoid, and they become accrescent in fruit.
With its pink-lilac corolla, which spans from 4-7 cm across, Lavatera cachemiriana is truly eye-catching. The petals are obovate or oblong-obovate, deeply notched, and have a dense hairy base, measuring 3-5 cm long and 2-3.5 cm broad. The staminal tube is 8-13 mm long and also hairy at the base. The fruit, which is discoid and measures 1-1.5 cm across, consists of 20-25 mericarps that are glabrous, reniform, and about 3 mm long. These mericarps are shorter than the central axis and are dorsally about 1 mm broad, transversely rugose, longitudinally carinate, and radially smooth, measuring approximately 2 mm broad. The seed is glabrous and dark brown.
This species is commonly cultivated for its ornamental value and is often found in gardens. Most of the plants identified as Lavatera cachemiriana belong to the var. cachemiriana. There is a variant, Lavatera cachemiriana var. haroonii Abedin, which has simple or 2- or 3-rayed hairs on the adaxial leaf surface and is endemic to Pakistan. Lavatera cachemiriana is closely related to L. thuringiaca Linnaeus and may represent a minor variation of that species found at the eastern edge of its range.
Lavatera cachemiriana thrives on sunny slopes and wet meadows at elevations ranging from 500 to 2200 meters. Its natural distribution extends from Northwest Xinjiang, India, Kashmir, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, to Tajikistan.
Overall, Lavatera cachemiriana is a versatile and resilient plant that can adapt to various growing conditions. It is a beautiful addition to any garden, showcasing its stunning pink-lilac flowers. Additionally, its stems yield a strong fiber that can be utilized in various practical applications. Consider growing Lavatera cachemiriana to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your garden space.