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Author:HK James Ho on Flickr
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Author:Juan Carlos from Tàrbena, Alicante - Alcublas, Valencia, Spain
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Juniperus oxycedrus

Cade Juniper, Western Prickly Juniper

In Stock: 0.877 lb (Total:0.877lb)
  • Juniperus oxycedrus

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Buying options

0.88 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
0.88 lb
Collected in:
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Min. hardiness zone:
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Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 60 days, warm stratify for 60 days, cold stratify for 60 days
Germination: sow seed 1/4" deep , tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Juniperus oxycedrus, also known as Cade Juniper, Western Prickly Juniper, Prickly Cedar, or Sharp Cedar, is a species of juniper native to the Mediterranean region. It can be found from Morocco and Portugal, all the way to southern France, western Iran, Lebanon, and Israel. This species thrives in rocky areas, growing at elevations from sea level up to 1600 meters.

The name "oxycedrus" means "sharp cedar," and it is believed that this species might have been the original cedar referred to by the ancient Greeks. Juniperus oxycedrus can be a variable plant in terms of shape, ranging from a spreading shrub of 2-3 meters tall, to a small erect tree reaching 10-15 meters in height. The leaves are needle-like, green, and grow in whorls of three. The seed cones resemble berries, starting out green and maturing into orange-red with a pink waxy coating. The cones are spherical, about 7-12 mm in diameter, and contain three or six fused scales with a single seed. Birds play a key role in seed dispersal as they eat the cones and pass the seeds through their droppings.

J. oxycedrus is usually dioecious, meaning that separate male and female plants exist. The male pollen cones are yellow and release their pollen in late winter or early spring. This species has great botanical diversity and is sometimes split into multiple species or subspecies. Some variations include Western prickly juniper, Portuguese prickly juniper, and Eastern prickly juniper. Other related species include Juniperus brevifolia, Juniperus cedrus, and Juniperus formosana.

One notable use of J. oxycedrus is the production of Cade oil, obtained through destructive distillation of the wood. Cade oil is a dark, smoky-scented oil used in cosmetics, traditional skin treatments, and incense.

Juniperus oxycedrus is an evergreen tree that can reach a height of 15 meters. It is hardy and can tolerate various soil types but prefers well-drained soil. It is also capable of growing in alkaline soils and can withstand drought conditions.

Overall, Juniperus oxycedrus is a fascinating and diverse species, with a rich history and various uses. Its unique characteristics make it a valuable addition to any landscape or garden.

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