Discover the beauty of Juglans ailantifolia, the Japanese Walnut. Native to Japan and Sakhalin, this striking deciduous tree grows up to 65 ft tall, sometimes even reaching 90ft, with a stem diameter ranging between 15-30 inches. Its light grey bark and brighter, yellower green leaves give it a distinguished appearance in any landscape. The leaves are pinnate and downy-pubescent, spanning 50-90cm, with 11-17 leaflets that are each 7-16cm long and 3-5cm broad. The Japanese Walnut blooms yellow-green catkins in the spring when new leaves emerge, adding to its ornamental value. The true highlight is the fruit – a spherical nut approx. 3-5cm long and broad, which grows in clusters of 4-10 together. Before maturity in mid-autumn, each nut is surrounded by a green husk. Ideal for parks and large gardens, the Japanese Walnut prefers a sunny location in well-drained soil, ranging from sandy, loamy to clay, and can handle varying soil acidity. It is hardy to zone 5, is not frost tender, and its flowers are wind-pollinated.