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Author:photo taken by SteffenMP (de:Benutzer:SteffenMP)

Jubaea chilensis

Chile Cocopalm

In Stock: 36.311 lb (Total:36.311lb)
  • Jubaea chilensis

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36.31 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
36.31 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Crack and completely remove the endocarp. The best way is to strike a single blow to make the shell explode. Repeated strokes could damage it!| Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: none required
Germination: Place them in a sterile and well drained medium, such as a mix of peat and coarse sand. Cover the seeds with just a few millimeters of sand and spray with fungicide as a watering.

Other: Seed germination is slow, usually taking between 6 to 16 months to germinate. 

The Jubaea chilensis, also known as the Chilean wine palm or Chile cocopalm, is a unique and fascinating species of palm tree native to southwestern South America. It is endemic to a small area of central Chile, specifically between 32°S and 35°S in southern Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Santiago, O'Higgins, and northern Maule regions.

This palm tree has long been admired for its majestic appearance and exceptional growth. It is an evergreen tree that can reach heights of up to 12 meters and has a slow growth rate. The Jubaea chilensis is hardy in zone 8 and is frost tender.

The leaves of the Jubaea chilensis have various uses. They are commonly used to make baskets, brushes, and for thatching. The fibres from the plant can be used as stuffing material for mattresses, and a paper can even be made from the fibres in the trunk.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Jubaea chilensis is its sap. The sap, which is raw and sweet in taste, can be used as a refreshing drink, concentrated into a syrup, or fermented into a wine. To obtain the sap, the tree is felled and the crown is removed, and then the sap flows for several months. It is possible to obtain yields of over 400 liters of sap from a single tree.

The fruit of the Jubaea chilensis is about 5cm in diameter and can be candied and used as a sweetmeat. The seed, which is also about 5cm in diameter, can be eaten raw or cooked and has a pleasant nutty flavor. Additionally, an edible oil can be obtained from the seed.

Conservation of the Jubaea chilensis is important as its population has been significantly reduced due to human overpopulation and the expansion of grazing areas. The species is partially protected within Chile, but more efforts are needed to ensure its survival and preservation.

Overall, the Jubaea chilensis is an extraordinary palm tree with various practical uses and unique characteristics. Its presence adds beauty and diversity to the southwestern South American landscape, making it a truly remarkable species worth protecting.

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