Illicium floridanum

Florida Anise Tree, Purple Anise

In Stock: 0.047 lb (Total:0.047lb)
  • Illicium floridanum

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Buying options

0.05 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
0.05 lb
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Min. hardiness zone:
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Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 60 days
Germination: sow seed 1/4 deep, keep moist

Discover the unique Illicium floridanum, also known as Florida Anise Tree or Purple Anise. This medium to large, evergreen shrub is a glorious addition to any garden, boasting vibrant olive-green leaves and dark red flowers. Originating from the southeastern United States and northern Mexico, this hardy plant is part of the Schisandraceae family. It thrives in part to full shade, in moist and rich soil, and can handle heavy shade, erosion, and wet planting sites. Bear in mind though, it is not cold hardy and is not tolerant to drought.
A distinct feature of the Florida Anise Tree are its aromatic leaves, which emit an anise-like aroma when crushed, repelling pests thanks to its high level of aromatic compounds. Its unusual fragrance of the flowers adds an intriguing note to your landscape. The plant's fast growth and its ability to naturalize in shady locations make it an ideal choice for rain gardens.
Illicium floridanum adds allure to your garden with its nodding, dark red flowers with 20-30 strap-shaped petals of up to 2" diameter, blooming in the early spring. These flowers, paired with the glossy, elliptic, dark olive-green leaves make the Purple Anise a visually appealing addition to your garden space. Note that the Purple Anise is a protected species in Florida, supporting biodiversity in your gardening practices. Start planting and enjoy the charm of the Purple Anise today!

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