Say hello to Hibiscus sabdariffa, commonly known as Roselle, Red Sorrel, or Florida Cranberry. This annual or perennial herb hails from the Old World tropics and is highly valued for its therapeutic properties. Its deeply three to five lobed leaves and large, bright red, fleshy calyx produce a deliciously tart taste that is said to have diuretic effects, lower fevers, and be antiscorbutic. The calyx can be used fresh or dried for tea or as a flavorful addition to jellies, jams, and sauces. The flowers of roselle contain gossypetin, anthocyanin, and the glycoside hibiscin, which may have diuretic and choleretic effects, reducing blood pressure and stimulating intestinal peristalsis. Experimentally, an infusion decreases the viscosity of the blood, making it an ideal tonic tea for digestive and kidney functions. So go ahead, add a pop of bright red color and a zingy flavor to your next culinary creation, while boosting your health with Hibiscus sabdariffa.