The Hesperocyparis arizonica, or Arizona Cypress, is an evergreen tree that grows to heights of 30-80 ft, with dense sprays of foliage ranging from gray-green to blue-green in color. Its unique conic to ovoid-conic crown and shiny reddish-brown bark exfoliates in scales, giving it a distinct appearance. This conifer is best suited for dry western regions and is highly drought tolerant, making it a popular choice for planting on slopes to prevent soil erosion. The tree's soft, close-grained wood is also useful for general construction and fuel. Hesperocyparis arizonica has seed cones that remain closed for many years but open after a wildfire to allow the seeds to colonize bare ground. Male cones release pollen in February-March. For a unique addition to your landscape that can withstand harsh conditions, consider growing Arizona cypress.