Helenium autumnale, commonly known as Common Sneezeweed or Large-flowered Sneezeweed, is a stunning garden perennial that is native to North America. From July to October, this plant forms large clumps of bright, daisy-like flowers with yellow ray petals and yellow-brown centers. Common Sneezeweed is parent to many hybrids and is found in swamps and wet fields across much of the U.S and Canada. The dried almost mature flower heads are used in a powdered form to treat colds and headaches as they contain helenalin, a compound that has shown significant anti-tumour activity. The plant is also cultivated for its beauty, with multiple named varieties varying in color and height. It can grow up to 5 feet tall and is noted for attracting bees and butterflies. Common Sneezeweed prefers moist, fertile soil in a sunny position, making it perfect for a woodland garden or sunny edge. Order Helenium autumnale today and enjoy its beauty and potential medicinal benefits!