Grevillea robusta, also known as Silky Oak or Silkoak, is a fast-growing evergreen tree that can reach heights of up to 90 ft tall. This Australian native is often planted as a street tree in suitable climates and is highly ornamental, with dark green bipinnatifid fern-like leaves and one-sided, "toothbrush"-like groups of flowers. The flowers are one of the richest sources of nectar and the tree is a valuable source of timber used for external window joinery, furniture, cabinetry, and fences. While it is drought-resistant, it needs occasional watering and prefers full sun in warm zones. However, care should be taken when planting it near bushland as it can be invasive. Grevillea robusta is ideal for those looking for a fast-growing, highly ornamental tree that provides a valuable source of nectar.