Glyptostrobus pensilis, commonly known as the Chinese Swamp Cypress, is a majestic and rare tree species that can grow up to 30 meters tall with a trunk diameter of up to 1 meter. It has a unique conical shape that adds an attractive touch to river banks, ponds, and swampy areas. The leaves are deciduous and spiral, and the cones mature to yellow-brown and open up to release small winged seeds. It is nearly extinct in the wild due to overcutting for its valuable decay-resistant, scented wood. However, it is planted along the banks of rice paddies to reduce soil erosion. The wood is high quality, aromatic, resistant to termites and insects, and easy to work with. It is used for a wide range of purposes, including cabinet work, fine art articles, musical instruments, office furniture, and turnery. The Chinese Swamp Cypress is an excellent addition to any outdoor space, and its unique shape and attractive foliage make it a must-have for nature lovers and garden enthusiasts.