Gelsemium sempervirens, also known as Carolina jasmine or jessamine, is a beautiful twining vine native to warm temperate and tropical America. With its thin stems, it can grow to a height of 9-18 ft when given proper support. It is often trained to grow over arbors or cover walls, adding a touch of beauty and sophistication to outdoor spaces. This evergreen vine features lanceolate, dark green leaves that add a touch of elegance to any garden.
Clusters of fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers adorn the vine, with each individual flower boasting a vibrant yellow color, sometimes with an orange center. The flowers are not only beautiful to look at but also attract a variety of pollinators with their strong scent and nectar.
While Carolina jasmine is a popular garden plant, it is important to note that all parts of the plant contain toxic strychnine-related alkaloids, gelsemine, and gelseminine. Therefore, it should never be consumed. The sap of the plant may cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals. In fact, children have been accidentally poisoned by mistaking the flower's nectar for honeysuckle.
Despite these hazards, Carolina jasmine remains a favored choice for gardeners in warmer areas.In fact, it is the official state flower of South Carolina.