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Fragaria vesca (Wild Strawberry seed) Sheffield's Seed Co., Inc.
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Fragaria vesca

Wild Strawberry, Woodland Strawberry

In Stock: 8.811 lb (Total:8.811lb)
  • Fragaria vesca

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select i.*, substring_index(group_concat(distinct pa.country order by rsi.date_added desc),',',-1) as source_country from inventory_item_manage i left outer join sheffields_2017.receiving_shipments_item_has_inventory_item hrsi on i.id = hrsi.inventory_item_id left outer join sheffields_2017.receiving_shipments_item rsi on rsi.id = hrsi.receiving_shipments_item_id left outer join sheffields_2017.po on rsi.po_id = po.id left outer join sheffields_2017.po_address pa on pa.po_id = po.id where i.inventory_id = '5823' group by i.id

Buying options

8.81 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
8.81 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: none required
Stratification: none required
Germination: surface sow and keep moist, tamp the soil, requires light for germination

Other: expect germination in 10 days @ 70-85 degrees F, it will take longer if cooler 

Wild Strawberry, also known as Fragaria vesca, is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows naturally throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, producing flavorful and succulent edible fruit. Evidence from archaeological excavations show that humans have been consuming Wild Strawberry since the Stone Age. The fruit is still collected and grown on a small scale commercially for its use in gourmets, commercial jam, sauces, and liqueurs. It's also popular in alternative medicine and cosmetics. Despite being replaced by Garden Strawberry in the 18th century, Wild Strawberry's unique flavor and delicacy still hold great appeal. Cultivation is easy and seeds can be sowed early spring in a greenhouse. Wild Strawberry prefers a fertile, well-drained, moisture retentive soil in a sunny position, but can also tolerate semi-shade. Its leaves can also be used to brew an excellent tea. Try growing Wild Strawberry for its flavorful and aromatic fruit, and enjoy this ancient and timeless delicacy.

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