Eucalyptus robusta, also known as Swamp Mahogany or Swampmessmate, is a beautiful tree native to eastern Australia. It can grow up to 30 metres tall with spreading branches and a dense canopy. The tree is known for its thick, spongy reddish-brown bark and broad green leaves that measure 10-16 centimeters long. From March to September, white or cream flowers appear clustered in inflorescences of 7 to 13 flowers. As a winter-flowering species, it has been planted extensively worldwide for its beauty and practical uses. The tree's wood is commonly used for firewood and in general construction. Despite its love for swampy or waterlogged soils, the Swamp Mahogany has adapted well to cultivation and makes a fantastic street or public tree. Birds are attracted to its flower heads, making it an ideal addition to any garden. Experience the beauty of Eucalyptus robusta Swamp Mahogany today!