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Dodecatheon denticulata


Drumstick Primrose, Drumstick Primula

  • Primula denticulata

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Min. hardiness zone:

Growing Info

Scarification: none required
Stratification: none required
Germination: surface sow and keep moist

Primula denticulata, commonly known as Drumstick Primula, is an eye-catching perennial that boasts dense, rounded flowerheads, covered with flat, vibrantly-colored blossoms and crowned by a delicate golden eye. Blooming in wonderfully diverse shades ranging from pale lilac, and rich purple, to contrasting hues of blue, pink, and white, Drumstick Primula brightens any garden in the early spring.
Recipient of the prestigious Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society, this plant thrives in damp, shady environments and spectacularly transforms those spaces into wildflower wonderlands with its ability to self-sow and grow in clump formations. Although deciduous in winter, you can count on its reliable return, year after year.
A lover of humus-rich, consistently moist soils, and full sun if in cool summer areas, the Drumstick Primula can be mulched to help maintain the soil moisture and keep roots cool. Wet soil is not an issue for this plant.
The versatility of the Drumstick Primula knows no bounds; it beautifies partially shaded beds, borders, even cottage gardens, and rock gardens, and is perfectly at home along the edges of ponds, streams, or in water gardens. Easy to maintain and virtually disease-free, the plant is resistant to common pests like aphids, vine weevils, slugs, and red spider mites. Propagation is a breeze, either by division or seed sowing. Plus, it's deer and rabbit resistant, ensuring its breathtaking bloom remains untouched.
Do not miss out on having this vibrant, low-maintenance gem in your garden. Embrace the Drumstick Primula's resilient and colorful charm today!

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