Cunninghamia lanceolata

China Fir, Chinese Fir

In Stock: 4.655 lb (Total:4.655lb)
  • Cunninghamia lanceolata

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Buying options

4.65 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
4.65 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 30 days
Germination: sow seed 1/16" deep , tamp the soil, keep moist

Discover the charming allure of Cunninghamia lanceolata or China Fir - a native wonder from Southeast Asia. This architectural beauty can soar up to 150 ft in its native habitats, while in gardens, it settles for a still impressive height of around 75ft. The foliage comprises stiff, spirally arranged needles, lending the tree its unique conical or pyramidal form. When presented with an ideal microclimate of well-drained loamy soil, sunny sheltered location and acidic soil conditions, China Fir exudes an enigmatic presence in your landscape. Notice its dark gray to reddish brown bark punctuated with vertical fissures and as the tree matures, with aromatic reddish-brown exposed inner bark. Constant pruning of interior dead needles is advised for maintaining its neat façade. Its mesmerizing hue transitions from verdant green during growing seasons to brown as it matures, and it elegantly sports groups of small squarish cones. Apart from its enchanting aesthetics, China Fir is also known for its medicinal benefits and its fragrance-rich oils used in perfume making. The resilient wood of this hardy evergreen tree, that prefers light to heavy soils, also finds great application in construction and shipbuilding. Experience the elegant companionship of China Fir - a perfect amalgamation of beauty and utility.

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